I water my cacti morning during the spring and summer afternoon . Along with watering , and give a special fertilizer for cacti . The sun and generally good lighting is an essential element for growing . After transplanting we should not water them ! Also potted cactus must not have a saucer underneath or if there is one must be empty of water.
They bloom from April to October in Southern Greece and May to September in the North with yellow or red flowers . In very ideal conditions can blossom twice a year.Less water does not harm , but more can be harmfull . So in cacti that bloom, located in well-drained soil , have in their disposal several hours of sunshine and generally good weather conditions and high temperatures , watering can be done once in 7 or 10 days . Adjust all the above, in different conditions , ie , less drainable soil , less sun exposure etc. Generally for outside protect from rain and for interiors choose a sunny place.
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