Are herbaceous, perennial plant.Grows a height of 45-60 cm and spreading width 60 cm, approximately. The fleshy leaves of the plant are oblong, scaly, green and resemble those of the onion. The beautiful flowers known for their striking colors and unusual patterns. Showing from spring until the winter, with six bold, and bright orange petals, yellow stamens in the center, on stems which exceed the height of fyllomatos.The Bulbine frutescens is eminently ornamental plant, constantly found in ornamental gardens and floral arrangements. Singles and selected for the wonderful hues and tropical style that gives, both indoors and outdoors. The plant is used in pharmaceutics.Τhrifty at planting positions, full or partial sunlight and indoors, but where it will require the maximum brightness. It tolerates high temperatures, eroded soils and drought conditions.
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